The Negative Effect of COVID-19 on International Travel in 2020

Dennis John Olmstead
2 min readDec 17, 2021


Born in Carroll, Iowa, Dennis John Olmstead has worked in various investment management firms and some of the best financial institutions in the world. After receiving a juris doctor from the McGeorge School of law in 1984, he went on to earn a Master of Laws from the Free University of Brussels, where he studied International and comparative law. Besides being an enthusiastic wine collector, Dennis John Olmstead is also passionate about international travel.

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in 2020, there was a significant decline in international travel. All over the world, countries were forced to suspend incoming and outgoing flights, put travel restrictions in place, and even embark on nationwide lockdowns.

In order to curb the spread of the deadly virus, many countries had to implement complete border closures for foreigners. As a result of all these well-meaning actions by government officials globally, international travel and the tourism sector as a whole suffered greatly. People could not travel even if they wanted to.

According to the director-general and CEO of IATA, financially, 2020 was the worst year in aviation history. Many airlines filed for bankruptcy, workers got laid off, and the pandemic cut international tourists arrivals to a fraction of what they were in 2019.



Dennis John Olmstead

Dennis John Olmstead — Global Taxation and Finance Executive